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💉 #Beaussential Whitening and Anti-aging Serum (trial kit)Beaussentials Whitening Serum serves to brighten the skin safe for the skin with concentrate that are clinically tested. Contains the best active whitening ingredients from around the world, which are Vitamin C, Undecylenoyl phenylalanine, 100-year-old ginseng stemsel and bird nest.Beaussentials An anti-aging serum that works against signs of aging so that the skin is firmer, smoother & lifted. Contains Retinyl palmitate, Hyaluronic acid, Niacinamide, and 100-year-old stemsel ginseng and bird's nest.The whitening serum has a thick cream texture like night cream, not like serum in general. While anti-aging serum also has a creamy texture but is lighter than whitening serum. This serum has a scent but I find it hard to describe the scent bcs it's only faintly smelled. Both serum are equally easy to absorb and do not cause sticky effects.Result : I have used this serum for 6 days. I wear it alternately, tonight's whitening tomorrow is anti-aging, and so on until the sixth day. The most change I feel is that my face feels tight and moist. My friend said my face was brighter than usual, but I didn't feel my face was bright enough. During use there are no negative signs such as growing pimples or purging. There is a difference that I feel when using these serums. After using the whitening serum, when I wake up in the morning the face is not greasy, but when I use anti-aging serum in the morning when I wake up, my face feels very oily. 🇲🇨Beaussentials Whitening Serum yang berfungsi untuk mencerahkan kulit aman untuk kulit dengan konsentrat yang teruji klinis. Mengandung bahan aktif pemutih terbaik dari seluruh dunia beberapa di antaranya vitamin C,undecylenoyl phenylalanine, stemsel ginseng 100 tahun dan sarang burung.Serum anti-aging yang berfungsi melawan tanda penuaan agar kulit lebih kencang, halus & terangkat. Mengandung Retinyl palmitate, hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, dan stemsel ginseng 100 tahun dan sarang burung.Serum whitening memiliki tekstur krim yang kental *PR / Gifted. Review based on opinions and results that I feel. #beaussentials #clozetteid #lianaekacom #lianaxbeaussentials
Categories : skincare
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