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Personal Review:

I've been using TALIKA light 660 about 6 months ago, it's kinda like very late review, hehe.. I must say this product is a great invasion on earth, hehe..because it can heals my acne, my pores gets smaller, less shine and more matte skin and so happy that it cam gives smoother complexion, handy and easy to use ( ga rempong^^), but you still have to charge it everyday just like the other gadgets.

very simple way to get a healthy skin, you don't need any cream to apply when you use this, but if you have a daily/ night cream, it doesn't matter at all because you can still use it right after using Talika.
I think Acne is everyone's problem mostly for girls. acne likes to pop up when I get periode or during the Pms time and it makes me totally sick of it! To cure and prevent it, I'm using TALIKA light 660 almost everyday. Talika has also providing antibacterial and reduce excess oil sebum secretion, totally Loveee it!!!! You have to know that Talika light 660 has two lights coloes, Red and Blue which their have function to cure acne, the blue light 470 nm is fie kills bacteria ad 670 nm is to stopams the inflammation and of course to heals acne. Pretty amazing, right?! Fyi, TALIKA is a French company specialized for face care, eye care and beauty care products.

Where to find?
I bought it at Plaza Senayan

Price ? uhh...it's pricey,Darla!!! it's around IDR.2.500.000 , but who cares with the price tag if you want to get flawless skin because it's Worth to buy :) anyway, this review truly based on my experience, hopefully it can give you a good information.

Thanks for reading :*
missdjoen 8 Dec 2014
Love it xoxo
KhaerunnisaUmmuh 23 Dec 2014
KhaerunnisaUmmuh 23 Dec 2014
Categories : skincare
Tags : Talika, french, skincare, lighttherapy, asiangirl, review, beautyblog
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