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[Review Time]
ST.Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub
.................................................................... Hello Talkers!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Today, I am reviewing a face scrub cleanser from one of my favorite brands – St. Ives. This is the St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub.
 From America's #1 Scrub Brand, this award winning Apricot Scrub with 100% Natural Derived Exfoliants deep cleans, instantly leaving skin smooth and glowing.
At the first glance, you may feel that the exfoliating particles may be too rough or harsh, but the scrub does an excellent job of exfoliating. I feel like a dull top layer has been removed and it really brightens up the face. The cream (with apricot extract) that binds these particles together is quite hydrating and leaves the skin feeling so soft! I am really surprised and happy with the results!
The directions specify that this product should be used 3 to 4 times a week for “best results!” But I feel that might be too much, even for my oily skin! I use it twice a week. On alternate days, I use one of the other moderate exfoliating scrubs. This works well for me, keeping my skin looking fresh and bright. But this may be a bit harsh for people with sensitive skin.
As with all St. Ives cleansers, this apricot scrub too is paraben free and oil free and the exfoliants used are 100% naturally derived. 💕Pros of St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub:

Exfoliates skin well without drying it out.
Brightens up the face with just one use.
Easy to use, hygienic and travel-friendly packaging.
Paraben free.
Oil free and dermatologically tested.
Leaves skin well moisturized and smooth.
100 % naturally derived exfoliants. 💔Cons of St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub:

May not suit people with sensitive skin.
Would I Recommend St. Ives Fresh Skin Apricot Scrub?
Definitely, this is a great option for people with oily skin. You must try it!

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Price Rp 125.000
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Garnier Sakura White Serum ...............................................................
Sebelumnya aku mau jelasin dulu nih,apa sih itu serum, nah serum adalah konsentrat yang teksturnya lebih ringan dan lebih banyak mengandung nutrisi yang diperlukan hingga kedalam lapisan kulit(pengertian serum versi aku). Nah sekarang aku lagi rajin banget pake Serum sakura white dari Garnier ini, aku uda pake serum ini untuk rangkaian skin care aku. Kira-kira sejak 4 Bulan lalu.
Kemasannya praktis dengan botol pump ringan,aku emang lebih suka kemasan pump begini sih karena ngerasa lebih steril dan kita bisa ukur sesuai keperluan kulit kita.
Tekstur serum ini sedikit kental yang ada bulir-bulir putih tapi bulirnya ngga bertekstur kaya caviar gitu, jadi dia halus menyatu sama gelnya, yang merupakan 5000 whitening capsules. Gelnya cepet banget menyerap jadi gausah khawatir buat yang punya kulit oily, gausah takut jadi kilang minyak ya!
serum ini juga merupakan serum pertama keluaran Ganrnier loh. Serum ini sih di klaim dapat bekerja pada 5 dimensi wajah.
Kalian bisa menggunakan serum ini sebelum memakai pelembab, jadi supaya si serum ini membantu memaksimalkan kinerja si pelembab di kulit wajah kamu. Oh iya, kalau kalian suka banget pake mask sheet, kalian bisa pakai serum ini dibawah mask sheet kalian, terus rasain sendiri deh gimana hasilnya. Aku merasakan kulit wajahku menjadi lebih cerah setelah pemakaian selama ini, pori-pori kulitku terlihat lebih kecil, dan terasa halus dan kenyal.
Kalian bisa dapatkan produk ini di supermarket-supermarket besar terdekat di daerah kalian. 💕Pros: - kulit terasa lebih cerah, kenyal dan halus.
-pori-pori di area pipi tampak mengecil -kulit lembap tapi ga berminyak
💔 Cons : - Susah dapetin produk ini
Price Rp +- 65.000
Repurchase of course yes
Rate 💋💋💋💋 #beautytalk_indo #beautyreview #honestreview #sayangidirimu
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