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💬 The science of body odor is enthralling. I just read a number of journals and boom, here I'm gonna summarize some points you need to know 👇:.💬 A deodorant is a substance applied to the body to prevent body odor caused by the bacterial. Deodorant may also be used on feet and other areas in the form of body spray.💬 Antiperspirants work by clogging, closing, or blocking the pores with aluminum ions so they cannot release perspiration. Aluminum is hazardous material THAT FDA (BPOM in US) ALLOWS to be added to body care products. Arguments against the use of aluminum emphasize the fact that aluminum accumulates in the brain over time and may contribute to Alzheimer's disease and breast cancers.💬 It is important to note that Darbre (2003) has forwarded a logical and constructive hypothesis that can be tested empirically and call for further research. Darbre and Harvey reported two epideemiological studies have attempted to directly address the issue of Aluminum and parabens use and breast cancer. On the other hand, many studies found no association between antiperspirant use and the risk of breast cancer.💬 There is one study comparing antiperspirants, deodorants and not using both at all. As a result, the proliferation of bacteria can be greatly reduced thanks to antiperspirants. But this study doesn't list the brands and races of partisipants. Take a note, a large proportions of Asians lost the 'ability' to body odors form.💬 The most interesting thing is that until this year, it is very difficult to really prevent 100% body odor from happening. There is still an untouched realm in terms of this studies.Anyway, I initially wanted to review @blackchickenremedies 😂😂😂 but I ended up wrote an intermezzo. For short, I consider this product to be a really good for my axilla that seems to be allergic to antiperspirants. Magnesium hydroxide was not irritating or corrosive in vitro tests. Synthetic amorphous silica is safe for cosmetics ingredients. Arrowroot (Kulit Singkong) powder is a great absorbant, surprisingly 😲.Mungkin sudah waktunya kita giling kulit singkong buat dipake bedak BB 🤣🤣🤣. Eh iya, penelitian ini udah adakah di Litbang/IPB?
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