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To be honest I don't have the most flawless skin, I'm very soft spoken, I've experienced horrible acnes in my teens and I don't have the most beautiful smile which made me feel very insecure about myself before because people would point it out (intentionally or unintentionally) and it hurts. Speaking out what's on your mind is good, but at the same time it could be hurtful. So I've always learnt that its better to remain silent instead of spitting out words that could hurt someone else's feeling. That's how I felt about things but everyone's different and I respect that but I just want to share with you out there who felt just like me before, feeling less about yourselves and growing your insecurities wouldn't lead you anywhere! Now that I've learnt to make peace with my insecurities, be more grateful and accept me as "me", I felt so much happier compared to my previous self. As no one could ever mess with your mind, once you felt self-content. Remember no one will ever be a better you compared to yourself and that's what make each of us special and unique! I know it's a rough and tough process but you can make it through cause I've been there and I made it through so do you! So stop comparing, learn to make peace with yourself, and strive for a better you everyday! you'll eventually see magic happening, cause when you're positive you'll shine anywhere you go, even the darkness can't hide the light right? . .
Btw my @bioessenceid event report and product reviews are up on the blog. If you missed it, you can read it here http://bit.ly/2gepTK9 @clozetteid .
#styleblogger #clozetteid #fashionblogger #smile #beauty #beautyblogger #analogparis #fashionpeople #fblogger #blogger #패션모델 #블로거 #스트리트스타일 #스트리트패션 #스트릿패션 #아날로그파리 #스트릿룩 #스트릿스타일 #패션블로거 #style #ggrep #l4l #selfportrait #vscocam #skincare #grateful
gianciana 24 Nov 2016
pretty stevie!
Categories : makeup, skincare
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